Fast and Easy eCommerce Support Team Recruiting

e Commerce Customer Service Outsourcing

We are a Ukrainian-based e commerce customer service outsourcing company that provides customer support solutions to businesses of all sizes. Our main focus is building dedicated eCommerce customer service teams to help companies support their online business. The eCommerce support services we offer are available in multiple countries for diverse business types.

As an experienced eCommerce support team provider we know every business is different and has different needs and requirements. That’s why when building an e-commerce support team we customize them to fit individual clients needs. Our eCommerce support specialists are experienced professionals with expertise in a variety of areas. The team we build for you will be eCommerce support specialists that fully meet all of your requirements.

Types of e Commerce Customer Support Services Staff We Can Provide

eCommerce Phone Answering Services

We can provide you with staff to handle all of your eCommerce phone support needs. Hired specialists are skilled professionals with experience in diverse industries and familiar with the latest technology. Some of the services they can provide include order taking and entering orders into the system, responding to customer inquiries, assisting your customers with making purchases and handling customer complaints. The support agents we hire for you will answer all calls following your instructions and guidelines and deal with every customer in a friendly but professional manner. Services are available 24/7 every day of the year so there is always an agent available to respond quickly to your customers needs. If required we can also provide multilingual live remote support eCommerce agents.

eCommerce Email Support Services

There are a lot of new technologies out there but many people still opt to communicate with customer support via email. A common complaint with emails is the response time but an e-Commerce support agent from our company can ensure that all your customers receive a prompt response to their emails within hours. Following your guidelines and instructions they can respond to product inquiries, customer complaints and other emails in a professional manner that represents your company and brand well. The email support specialists come from diverse industries and have excellent written communication skills. We can also provide multilingual email support specialists if necessary.

eCommerce Live Chat Support

Live chat support is pretty much essential for an eCommerce store. Agents can respond almost immediately and for many people this is their preferred channel for contacting customer service. The skilled specialists we provide for you have experience in diverse industries. They can work with any chat software and are familiar with customer service ticketing systems and other technology. The agents are capable of providing a wide range of eCommerce live chat support services including order taking, order tracking, responding to customer inquiries including providing assistance with the purchasing process and dealing with customer complaints among other things. Live chat support is available around the clock, 365 days a year so they can respond quickly to your customers needs. Multilingual customer support specialists are also available.

eCommerce Social Media Customer Support Services

Social media is playing a bigger role in businesses marketing and customer service activities than ever before. A lot of eCommerce businesses have a presence on multiple social media platforms. Managing social media accounts can be time consuming especially if your company has multiple accounts. An e commerce help & support agent hired through our company can handle customer service duties on your different social media accounts. As with other channels for customer support, hired social media support specialists will respond to customer inquiries, provide product information and handle customer complaints and more via your social media accounts. Our agents are familiar with a wide variety of tools and technology and always conduct themselves in a professional manner. Multilingual social media support specialists are also available.

eCommerce Tech Support

In eCommerce if a customer experiences difficulty using the platform you may lose a sale and a customer. Sometimes the issue is as simple as the customer not knowing how to use the platform while in other cases there may be a legitimate technical problem. Outsourcing eCommerce tech support for customers through our company will help reduce the number of sales and customers lost due to issues with the platform. Our eCommerce technical support specialists are experienced with a wide variety of eCommerce platforms and familiar with the different problems that may occur. They will work with your customers to provide a quick resolution to any technical issues.

Other Support Services

Our eCommerce call center outsourcing company can provide many types of customer support services across multiple channels to fulfill all your eCommerce customer service needs. In addition we can hire an eCommerce customer support manager for your business to oversee all your customer service activities across all channels.

Platforms eCommerce Support Team Specialists Have Expertise in

The customer service specialists we hire are well-versed in many different eCommerce platforms. We can provide 3DCart customer support services as well as customer support on Wix, Weebly and several other eCommerce platforms.

Some of the eCommerce platforms staff we hire possess expertise in include:

Shopify Customer Support Services

Shopify is one of the best known and largest eCommerce platforms. We can provide an experienced Shopify support team that is familiar with its various customer support capabilities. Shopify live chat customer support is available through a number of different apps and the experts are familiar with many of them. Our customer support agents have also worked with a variety of Shopify phone support integrations. They are experienced with the Shopify email support system as well as with various email providers that integrate with Shopify.

BigCommerce CS Services

BigCommerce is a popular eCommerce platform that allows you to provide customer support across multiple channels. The BigCommerce support representative hired through our company will be familiar with the support capabilities of BigCommerce. Although it doesn’t have its own email, BigCommerce email support is available through a number of integrations such as MailChimp. Our specialists have worked with several of BigCommerce support live chat apps and widgets the platform supports as well as BigCommerce phone support apps for call center services like ZenDesk. LiveAgent and FreshDesk.

Magento eCommerce Customer Support Services

Magento is an eCommerce platform that is highly regarded due the flexibility it provides but is also known for being complicated. Our specialists can supply the Magneto eCommerce support services you require. The platform allows you to integrate multiple channels for customer support including social media and live chat. It’s a great eCommerce platform as long as you have the technical capabilities to make use of all its features.

Salesforce Commerce Cloud

Salesforce Commerce Cloud Support Services

Salesforce Commerce Cloud with variety of ecommerce Salesforce tools offer a great CRM solution tailored for e-commerce, providing advanced customer insights, personalized marketing, and multi-channel support for online retailers. Salesforce Commerce Cloud outsourced customer support agents handle various tasks, including assisting customers with order processing, resolving product-related inquiries, and troubleshooting issues with the e-commerce platform.

Volusion CS Services

Volusion is an all-in-one eCommerce platform that has been around for almost 20 years. Our Volusion customer support specialists are familiar with the platform as well as the most popular integrations. ZenDesk live chat and LiveChat are both popular chat software that integrates with Volusion. Your Twitter and Facebook accounts can be linked directly to your Volusion dashboard.

WooCommerce Customer Support Services

WooCommerce is actually a free WordPress plugin that lets you turn your WordPress site into an eCommerce store. This is a good choice for smaller online stores especially if you already have a WordPress website. Our WooCommerce customer support reps are familiar with the plugins and apps to provide a full range of customer support channels to your site.

Squarespace Customer Support Services

Squarespace is a simple platform that doesn’t require a lot of technical knowhow. Customer support apps like ZenDesk can easily be integrated with Squarespace sites. Our customer service Squarespace agents are experienced with this platform’s support capabilities and can provide the customer support you need on multiple channels.

Prestashop Customer Support Services

Prestashop is an open-source eCommerce platform that is free to download. There is a wide selection of modules and addons that enable you to provide a full range of Prestashop customer support services. Our specialists have extensive experience working with the different Prestashop customer support features.

Signs You Should Outsource eCommerce Support Services

Issues with your e commerce customer support can sneak up on you, and you may not realize you need help until small issues become big problems. Here are some of the signs you should outsource eCommerce customer support: 1) Not responding to customers quickly. One of the keys to good customer support is responding to inquiries, complaints and requests for assistance quickly. When you take too long to respond to customers you will lose sales and risk your customers moving to a competitor. With customer support outsourcing you can respond to your customers faster, providing a more satisfying customer service experience. 2) Falling behind on critical tasks. There are a lot of important tasks that need to be completed to run a successful business. If you find you are not completing important tasks because you are spending a lot of time on customer support issues you should consider eCommerce customer support outsourcing so that you have more time to focus on other areas. 3) Customer support needs fluctuate. In eCommerce the volume of business often fluctuates due to the season, holidays and for other reasons. If you see your customer service requirements fluctuating throughout the year, outsourced customer support can provide the flexibility you need. 4) Expanding into other countries. Taking your company into other countries will mean dealing with different cultures and languages. An eCommerce customer support staffing company can provide you with multilingual agents familiar with different cultures.

Benefits of Outsourcing eCommerce Customer Support

Outsourcing your eCommerce customer support needs through our company provides a lot of benefits. Here are some of the advantages of using our company to provide your eCommerce customer support needs: – Omnichannel support. We can provide eCommerce customer support across multiple channels to make it easier for your customers to get the help they need. We have specialists with experience and expertise in live chat support, social media support, email support and other channels which can be consolidated into one support center. – Large pool of skilled customer support specialists. Our company has access to a large pool of skilled specialists in diverse industries that have the qualifications you are looking for. They are proficient with the latest customer support technologies and tools and familiar with a wide variety of eCommerce platforms. – Scalability. The volume of customer support services in eCommerce can go up or down depending on the season and other factors. An outsourcing provider like us can scale your team up or down depending on the volume of work required. – Multilingual agents. The specialists we provide for customer support teams are fluent in spoken and written English. Many of the available customer support agents speak and write other languages as well. – Around-the-clock support. Customer support services we offer are available 24/7 every day of the year. Your customers can contact us anytime and will always receive a prompt response. – Cost-effective solution. Your business will save money by outsourcing eCommerce customer support through us. The salaries of specialists are significantly less than agents in Western Europe and North America with equivalent levels of skills and experience. In addition some expenses such as office space and equipment are assumed by our company reducing your costs further.

How We Help With Building an e-Commerce Support Team

When hiring for eCommerce support teams we follow a simple process that consists of 3 basic stages: 1) Initial candidate research: lasting approximately 1 week we provide you the first candidates that we believe match your requirements and receive your feedback to further narrow the search parameters. 2) Candidate interviewing: lasting 1-2 weeks, this allows you to choose the best match. 3) Job offer negotiations and contract signing: during this final stage we advise you on moves and consult with the candidates and you on the legal aspects of further business relationship.

The timeline of the process will look something like this: Day 1: we define the requirements for customer support candidates. As soon as the requirements are established we begin the search process. Week 1: the candidates are checked and we forward the vetted CVs to you. Week 1-2: interviews of the short listed candidates are conducted. Week 2-3: candidate’s skills are assessed. Offers are made. Week 3-6: contract is signed. Onboarding of your new customer support team. GET A FREE CONSULTATION

Why Partner with Us to Build Ecommerce Support Team

We have mentioned several benefits of outsourcing eCommerce support through our company. Here are a few more advantages that make us stand out from the crowd of other providers: – Reliability. All of the specialists go through a strict screening process to verify their experience and qualifications. They have proven that they can be counted on to provide the high quality of customer support you are looking for. – Transparent. We are transparent in our operations. We keep you fully updated on the progress of your team. There are no hidden costs or fees to worry about. – Flexible. The eCommerce customer support teams we build for our clients are customized to fit each company’s specific needs and requirements just as the team we assemble for you will be tailored to meet your needs. As your company’s needs change we can make any adjustments necessary to continue providing you with high quality customer support. – Better coverage. We offer customer support services 24/7, 365 days a year across multiple channels. You will be able to provide better support coverage to make it easier for your customers to get the help they need. – Less expensive. As mentioned, the salaries of the specialists are lower than you will find in Western Europe and North America and we assume associated expenses. In addition you only pay for the work that you receive; unlike with some where you pay the same even when the volume of work decreases.

Why Choose Ukraine for Your eCommerce Customer Support Outsourcing Needs

Ukraine has become a well known outsourcing destination in recent years, with Kyiv, where our company is based being the most popular. Here are some of the reasons Kyiv, Ukraine is a great place for building remote customer support teams:

Very easy to work with

The work culture in Ukraine is quite similar to that of much of North America and Western Europe making it easy to find qualified people who are a good fit for your company. Besides, the majority of Ukrainian professionals are fluent in the English language and many of them are proficient in several other languages as well.

Availability of a large and well-educated talent pool

Ukraine is home to hundreds of institutes of higher learning with Kyiv having the most of any city in the country. There is a large pool of well educated specialists with experience in diverse industries with more graduating every year.

Easy to reach

The time difference between Ukraine and most of Western Europe is only one hour. Working hours in Ukraine also overlap with those in parts of North America making it easy to schedule meetings and get in touch with your customer support team.

You save money The cost of living in Ukraine is low, resulting in salaries for customer support specialists being much less than those in Western Europe and North America for the same level of skills and experience.

To provide high-quality support to your online customers contact us to build an eCommerce customer support team!

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